Saturday, October 3, 2009


The Frg meeting last night went ok. Mostly a waste of time but a couple good pieces of info were brought to my attention. I'm so glad Lisa was able to bus Matthew and I to the meeting. Matthew did well with the daycare yeah! Next time maybe an earlier meeting...we are nearing the end of this military life anyhow. And I'm starting to get a little sad over that. I think it is more that I am used to one way of life and change is exciting but also scary.

Here are some newer things with Matthew...
He meows, moo's and woofs.
Holding strong at 4 teeth.
Running not just walking.
No favorite toy by far but enjoys his yellow tonka lots.
Eats his bubbles from his bubble baths.
Loves the graduates fruit leather type snacks - new favorite and easy mac is his favorite meal.
Loves stearing wheels and rides on the lawn tractor.
Adores animals dogs, cats and birds and starting to want to visit the neighbors cows.
Favorite thing to do right now is ride down hill in his wagon.

I finally bought rope for his swing hopefully tomorrow we will put that up. Check back for pics!

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