Saturday, October 10, 2009

Play Date - Oct 10

Matthew had a play date with Cody today. Angie brought Cody and Madison over and they played before dinner. We went for a wagon ride, and the boys learned how to push each other on the caterpillar truck. I think they are learning how to play together. It is always interesting watching anyone this age play but especially interesting watching both of them play. Most of the time it is what my mom calls "parallel" playing. Each of them plays with a certain toy or toys next to each other but they don't actually play back and forth. I can't wait for Kevin to be here so he can play with Matthew. Then I can watch my husband and our son play together like two 1 year olds would play together. That is why I married him though, a big kid at heart.

After the playdate Lisa came over and we ate dinner and attempted to watch a movie. Duplicity wasn't the best movie to watch though. It is one that requires really paying attention and between the kids and our conversing, I think we missed most of the movie. Ohh well its just a movie. The floor is finally done in the new playroom. YEAH! Now I want to find some sort of storage system for Matthew's toys. Something where his wooden cars go in this bin, his legos in that one and so on. I'm hoping Lisa can go shopping with us tomorrow so I can have a second opinion. I'm not a super organizer but I think it would be good for Matthew as well as me to start. Tomorrow hopefully I can get the room looking like a real playroom and not spend too much money doing so.

Have I mentioned I am being overrun by an army of tiny ants? It is annoying and I can't seem to get the upper hand. Ever since we got back here from NY the house has been infested. I thought about a week ago I had them beat but now it is twice as bad. They called in reinforcements I guess. Gross. I was told to treat the outside of the house with outdoor ant killer and we did that last week. Hopefully this week will conclude their stay at Hotel Laudermilk.

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