Wednesday, July 1, 2009

July 1

Matthew is watching Baby Einstein with Aunt Bug in this picture. He loves his big comfy chair. Aunt Bug, tries to fit in it too...she doesn't fit as well as Matthew. Matthew is walking to people as they open their arms to him, and yesterday he stood up in the middle of the living room and walked to the couch. He is so proud of himself when he walks too. Mommy is proud of him too. Our trip to Buffalo this past Sunday was a nice trip because we got to see Big Matt, Kristin, Ben and pick up Natalie (Aunt Bug). But Matthew's ride home was not fun. He was very upset...I think it might be a while before we try another trip. He cried enough to loose his voice. And each time we stopped to give him a break and let him out of his carseat he would stand and hold onto the steering wheel giggling...what a punk. He just didn't want to be in his carseat.

We are looking forward to this weekend where we can see Grandma's new kitchen, visit Great Grandpa on his birthday, and watch fireworks. Matthew's first fireworks! A couple more days until the weekend...we will have to hold out. And 40 days until Daddy is home!

1 comment:

  1. OMG i cant believe he is walkin!!!!! Sophie can say matthew's name now haha She always wants to see pictures!! I miss you guys so much!!! I need to keep in touch and check on you guys way more than I do so i'm gonna start tryin to do that now!! I hope you three are doin ok and hopefully the next 40 days will fly by for you!!! We love you guys and I'll call ya soon! I wanna hear him jibber jabber! haha
