Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Allyson Brooke Laudermilk

Allyson Brooke Laudermilk joined our family a week ago. I didn't know how another child could fill our hearts with as much love as Matthew has the past few years but somehow I think our hearts have doubled in size. Since Allyson's arrival was not exactly as planned I decided I wanted to write down how things came to be.

Kevin explained it the best...
Jeanetta started having contractions around 1000pm. her water broke in the shower and Allyson was out a couple mins after that, she beat the paramedics thats how fast she came. we had a plan and having her at home in my hands wasn't even close to plan A, B, or even C. either way she came out healthy as a horse and beautiful as can be. we are home today enjoying our newest addition.

I had been having Braxton hicks quite regularly for the past 4 weeks or so, at times the contractions would be at regular intervals but never painful, just uncomfortable. Some days I would have back pain, and others would be that 'pressure' feeling. May 31st (the day before Allyson's due date) I had been having all three. The first time all three at the same time. Still I was not in pain just discomfort. Matthew and I were still playing and nothing seemed to be a tell tale start of labor. About 10pm the contractions were increasing in how uncomfortable they were and were about 10 mins apart but still I wouldn't say I was in a lot of pain. Kevin and I were watching tv and laughing at the comedy show on. The last few weeks I had been crossing my fingers hoping 'tonight would be the night' so I didn't want to get my hopes up now. About 10:45 I was feeling pain with the contractions so I called my mom and let her know what was going on. She lives about 2 hours away so I needed to give her a heads up so she could come watch Matthew for us when the time came to go to the hospital. On the phone I told her I still wasn't for sure so if she wanted to wait to come until things seemed to be more for sure she could. She, thankfully decided to get ready and start driving. I had told Kevin to go ahead and try and get some rest so he was sleeping. at 11:12 my Mom called to tell me she was in the car and on her way. Contractions were painful at this point and I was having trouble keeping track of times in-between contractions. Still everything was bearable. I would lay down for a few contractions then walk around for a few etc etc. I was finally feeling like I was looking forward to going to the hospital for some pain relief at this point (a laugh at remembering thinking this). So like with Matthew I decided to jump in the shower for a little while to try and get the water to help me relax a bit and hopefully Mom would be here soon. I thought I would stay in the shower for about an hour and by the time I got out I would be ready to pack the car and have things ready to go when she got here. So I got in the shower and got on my knees so I could lean over and let the warm water run on my back. I was shivering from the contractions before I got in so I was very much looking forward to this and it did feel great...for a minute. Two contractions later (they were probably 2-3 minutes apart but I just am not sure), my water suddenly broke and Allyson's head dropped drastically down. I started yelling for Kevin because it was obvious she was coming NOW. Kevin came running and he was a bit foggy over what was happening since he had just woken up. He asked what he could do to help and what was wrong. It took me a little while to be able to say anything and then all I could say was 'We need to go to the hospital NOW she is coming NOW". I tried to say it as calm as I could (I'm sure it wasn't that calm) but I was extremely scared at this point because all I could think was that she was going to choke on all the water and fluid and I didn't have a bulb syringe or anything to clean out her mouth or nose. So I was scared. Kevin still not realizing the extent of what was going on, he probably just thought I was having contractions and I was over reacting. He felt to see what was going on and to his surprise Allyson had already crowned. My phone was right next to him and he called 911. He had enough time to tell the dispatcher we were having a baby. About that same time Allyson was out to her nose. Another contraction came and out she popped the rest of the way with her Daddy there to catch her. She made a little cry and Kevin had turned her over and patted her back a few times and started cleaning her off. He handed her to me and I patted her a little harder, swiped out her mouth with my finger and helped clean her off a little more. I remembered reading she was suppose to stay lower than me to make sure all the blood went to her instead of me until the umbilical cord was tied off. Meanwhile Kevin was tying off the umbilical cord with a shoelace and I sat down and held her until the paramedics arrived (which was only like 5 mins). And that was Allyson's arrival.

Allyson Brooke Laudermilk May 31, 2011 at ~11:40pm, 8lbs 7oz, 20.5 inches.

Allyson's first pictures