Tuesday, June 30, 2009

June 30

Cute Buns walking around on the deck. He was having a great time being a boy. And Matthew and Rory playing together in her exer-saucer. They love eachother!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Matthew playing with the fan

Matthew being a silly boy in front of the fan. He is such a nut.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

First steps caught on video!

We caught his first steps on video today!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Update from NY

Matthew is doing great. He is my little angel haha, more like my little trouble maker. He definitely knows what no means and he either laughs at me when I tell him no or throws a fit. Just depends on his mood. He has taken a couple steps (about 3) multiple times now. I am still not considering him 'walking' yet. I'll keep you posted though. We are always busy playing with cousin Rory during the week and then on the weekends we go home to visit the grandparents. By the end of the weekend we are exhausted and glad to be back to babysitting. Some of Matthew's favorite things to do right now include:
  • Talking on the phone
  • Eating
  • Giving slobbery kisses
  • Playing with Rory
  • Playing with the puppies
  • Giggle
  • Steal hats
  • Play with his trucks
  • Looking at his Daddy book
We are counting down the days until Kevin comes home for R&R.

June 23rd Just like Daddy

I look like Daddy, I dress like Daddy and I will probably grow up to be like Daddy.

June 23

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June 23

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Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Bumps and Bruises

This happened Monday poor guy. He was walking around the kitchen touching the cabinets and I had already put him in his footy pjs. He slipped and fell straight on his forehead. Poor guy had too bumps and scrapes on his forehead and a bump on the side of his head where he must have hit the cabinet. He scared me enough to check him for a concussion but of course was fine. I am just over cautious as usual. We had been having a bad day all day Monday. He was so exhausted from this weekend not napping well, and not sleeping well. It was Charles and Aletha Crosley's (Kevin's grandparents) 65th Wedding Anniversary and the family threw them a big party. Family came from everywhere to be at the celebration and that meant lots of people for Matthew to meet. So meeting so many new faces and playing outside in the grass made him even extra worn out. Tuesday he was cranky again but finally today, Wednesday he is almost back to his happy self. Grandma Sutton came to visit for dinner today and he was delighted to see her. What a great surprise. I hope we see Uncle Chris, Aunt Nikki, and Uncle Pickle again soon. It was great being able to watch them meet and play with their very first Nephew. Hopefully we won't have anymore bumps or bruises for the rest of the week. If so I'm getting that helmet I keep joking around about...we'll see!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

9 Month Checkup

Matthew had his 9 month checkup today here are his stats...

29.5 inches tall
21 lbs 7 oz of chunk

Friday, June 5, 2009

Northhill with Grandpa

Playing with Grandpa

Playing peekaboo behind Grandpa, Grandpa playing with Matthew. Matthew steals his 101st hat every chance he gets.

Northhill's first twin Fawns of 09
