Friday, November 28, 2008

Nov 28

Matthew is doing great, he is starting to play with toys on his own now. He just wants to put them in his mouth and see what they taste like. He looks more like Kevin everyday.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

My little elf

This is so silly I hope everyone gets the chance to watch it!


Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Getting ready for the Holidays

Which way do the pictures look better? Smaller pictures or the larger ones? Let me know!
Matthew is smiling lots more. I love it when he wakes up smiling that is the best! Hopefully he will be giggling soon and I can share videos with yall.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

November pics

Sleepy head, relaxing on the couch.
Look how long his eyelashes have gotten!
Aunt Emily bought these for Matthew.

If you think I'm handsome you should see my dad.
What a cutie, he just makes me smile.

Kevin and Matthew before Kevin had to leave.
Sleepy heads.
How cute is he in this hat!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Home in NY

Kevin and I were able to go for a horseback ride on Levi's horses while we were home.

Ashley Burton - Bertamus.
Grandma Jean
Aunt Sue and Uncle Chris
Uncle Chris
Uncle Matt - my brother who we named him after.
Aunt Kristin
Daddy of course.
Great Grandpa Sutton
Great Grandma Sutton

Aunt Natalie aka Aunt Bug
Uncle Levi

Here are some pictures of Matthew and the Sutton family from our trip home to NY a couple weeks ago.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

9 weeks

Smiley Boy!

Practicing being a plane.

So Matthew is doing great. He now likes being toted everywhere on his belly and is enjoying playing on his belly more often. He turned 9 weeks yesterday and we have no idea what he weighs. His next drs appointment is on the fourteenth so we will know then. He loves playing with his hands and sucking on them, he loves sitting up and is close to balancing by himself. We are loving listening to him make noises and we are eager to hear him start to giggle. We will keep you posted!