Wednesday, December 31, 2008

More Christmas pics

Pictures from Christmas at the Laudermilks.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Dec 30


Matthew went to his first movie Sunday evening. We saw Bedtime Stories, it was very cute. Matthew was just wonderful throughout the movie. This morning we were lucky to catch Kevin online and the webcameras were in working order so we showed him how funny Matthew is when he eats his cereal and how much fun he has in his jumparoo. Enjoy the pictures, we will keep you updated on how big he is getting! His next Drs appt is Jan 14th so we will see how big he has gotten!

Thursday, December 25, 2008


Merry Christmas everyone!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Home in NY

Silly boy

He is checking out all the cool gadgets on his jumparoo.

Auntie Em

Look Matthew it is your first Christmas tree!

Grandma Memer

Sleepy head

Deep in thought

He fell asleep....why can't I?

Matthew and Grandpa Sutton

We have been trying to take lots of pictures of Matthew and all his family holding him. He has changed a lot since being home last when he was 6 weeks old. We stopped at Grandpa and Grandma Suttons today to let them see him but he slept the whole time. We didn't stay to long anyhow since I am fighting a cold. Hopefully I will be over this cold soon and we can visit Kevin's grandparents. Grandpa Crosley is in the hospital for double knee replacement surgery. Kevin is doing well, he is settling into work in Afghanistan. He starts flying this week which I am sure he is grateful to be back doing the things he loves. We are missing him greatly though. If anyone wants to send him email you can at If you want his mailing address let me know and I will get that to ya. I hope everyone is enjoying their holiday season.